Thursday, December 29, 2011

never have time...

I apologize for not ever writing on this blog.
I don't diet as much with calorie restriction anymore.
I exericise alot & eat veggies.

...i've also done a bit of purging lately...


If you guys still need help PLEASE email me:

I want to help as many of you as i can.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Do you need a buddy?? EVERYONE deserves to be skinny.
Here's a few girls that would appreciate your help in emailing them!

Plus if you want your email up here just leave a comment, or email me at



People of the ana world:
I now have a defined ribcage!
Plus when i put my feet together the tops of my thighs don't touch anymore! 
Buuuut, my boobs have shrunk. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


i weigh 121!
i am so happy right now because it thought i've been binging all day.
keep my image shrinking! 
if i can do it, you all can. i KNOW it.


I found these tips this morning and thought you might find them helpful too! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

no ana buds

Hey girls, i just wanted to let you know why i haven't gotten back to you about being ana buddies. 
I am really busy with work and such at this time that i cannot be really helpful to anyone in particular. I really apologize for this. I feel terrible for not getting back to you guys.
If you want me to, send me an email telling me that you need a buddy and i will post your email on my blog asking for anybody to help you! ( I've done this a couple times and it seems to work. Just let me know because i wont do it without your permission. Oh dear, i hope you will forgive me for neglecting all of you girls! 
Please remember that i believe in you! 
Stay Strong.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is me.
Haven't been ana for about 3 months. 
Need to get back on track!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


This is what i feel like.
I don't know what to do.
I need to be skinny. 
But i have been eating food for weeks now.
I'm addicted.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Drink Water--Live Longer

Hey guys! How are you weeks going?? Mine is going sooo well! You will never guess how many pounds i've lost! 5! I am now 123! Which, i know, is terrible for the summertime, but i also have a double huge craving for sweets and treats in the summer...

People have been emailing me hate messages lately about how i am NOT pro-ana, but i really believe that i am. I feel like yeah, sometimes i snack on some things and totally feel guilty about it later, but besides that i really do not eat at all unless i am around other people. (WHICH IS THE ONLY TIME YOU SHOULD EAT.) So if any of those people are reading this right now, i kinda just want to let them know that i know what i believe and if you don't agree with me, i really don't care..

I keep doing those dots at the end of a paragraph. So anyways. The point of this post before my ADHD kicked in and i got all distracted, was to tell you to be drinking water. ALL THE TIME. Drink drink drink. Seriously. Yes, water makes you gain weight, but it also flushes out all the toxins in your body that store fat and stuff. It will keep you so much healthier, which in turn will make you lose weight. Now if you can take water weight pills, i would highly suggest it. While it wont make you lose any permanent weight, it really really really helps keep your water weight down. AND since you get dehydrated easily you will constantly be drinking water. PLUS i have found that it gives me energy when i have had a hard time sleeping at night or whatever.

The water pills i take are called "diurex ULTRA" and i think i just got them at Target or Walmart.. They seem to work for me! I just have to go to the bathroom all the time. SO KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN YOU TAKE THEM. Just don't depend on them to permanently lose all your weight for you, they are NOT a magical pill ha ha. Well my crazy family is calling me up for dinner, time to go decieve.. I wish you all luck. Email me at if you have any questions OR you can just comment below and i will try to answer.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Team America!

So i know that i have a few readers that do not live in the USA... and to you guys, i apologize for this post. It probably wont have too much meaning to you. But to all you Patriots out there: this is for you and I. 

Tonight was our familys annual Fourth of July party (i know it is just the 2nd--But the golf course across the street does their huge fireworks tonight so wtf, we celebrate NOW. Ha ha) But yes. So i realized that it was HELL trying to avoid eating. Mostly because everybody was watching me...but also because it was so damn hard to stay away from all the yummy looking food! (I am a mega fan of summer foods.) 

While i don't have many tips for you cute ana's i can tell you this. If you have to keep people off of your back and stop them from giving you crap about  "not eating" then EAT FRUITS. I know they aren't super healthy because of the sugars, but they are hella low in calories compared to hot dogs and chips and desserts. The main fruit to go for (and the one that will most likely be at every freaking picnic in town) WATERMELON. This stuff is amazing as a decoy. Just carry it around with you and take bites of it every once in awhile. Seriously, it sounds silly but it saved my butt tonight from my annoying boyfriend who worries too much. 

I know you guys will be great! Good luck with all your BBQ's and celebrations of America! GO TEAM USA!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Long Time NO Posts!

I am soooo sorry to let you all down! Oh my heavens i have been terrible. And not just with this blog. I have let myself go. Seriously. So as you well know if you read my blog i was at the university and all with a great life for the past year. Loving boyfriend. Great diet. Great roommates. WELL. Now i am back at home, as previously mentioned in "Laxatives." And it is HELL. Omg. My family eats together alllll the time. And when i am not at work, i am REQUIRED to eat with them. Soooo i weigh a whopping 129 pounds now. UHMMMMMM. If you dont remember, I WAS AT 118 at one point.. Oh it's terrible.

BUT I AM BACK. I am very close with one ana buddy in particular, and i mentioned to her about a week ago, it is summer and i NEED to look good in my bikini. None of this fatty stomach and thick thighs.. So i am gradually cutting back calories. And while i am not exactly at a low level right now, i am doing well. And considering i spend my days working on my feet at an amusement park, i think i burn alot of least i hope.

I want to give you some heads up and please read this carefully. I want to help you if you are doing anything harmful.

*I am PRO-ANA. NOT PRO-MIA. If you have a problem with purging i want you to let me know. IMMEDIATELY. This is NOT a safe practice at all. Anorexia if watched closely is not harmful to your body, but if you are bulimic in ANY form i want you to get help.

*I had many concerning emails from my "Laxatives" post. IF YOU ARE ABUSING LAXATIVES, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. When i said that laxatives are handy i mean it. They are. Especially because being anorexic can really stop you from having bowel movements. By advising you to take laxatives i hope you will have the common sense to know your body well enough and when to know if enough is enough. While laxies can help you shed a couple pounds every week, you can't take them too often (one or two times a week is PLENTY) otherwise your body will become dependent on them and that will suck. 

If you need help in any way, PLEASE email me at I will really try to help you ASAP. BUT remember i am busy with work and being lazy. Ha ha. I wish you all the best of luck and KNOW that you can lose all your unwanted fat. It only takes desire and determination. You are amazing. Please practice safe methods-wouldn't want to lose any of you stars. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey guys i am not very good with this blog anymore and i totally apologize but i don't think i am going to get any better, however, it IS a goal of mine to try to more constantly update it! 

Today i wanted to tell you about something new that i have just started doing. And as you can guess by the title: that is LAXATIVES! I have been slacking off alot lately and eating alot of food since i moved back home with the fam. So it is super easy, right before i eat i just take 2 laxatives and bam within like 2 hours i am... uh... *ehm* all the waste inside me is being disposed! I LOVE IT. You guys should really all try it. At first it was not fun for me though, like i will warn you i got some of THE WORST cramps EVER. But i really got used to it and now they dont come anymore. 

If you have any feedback or anything you want me to mention in my blog email me at i will help you out with anything, although i'm not super great at replying to ana buddies much anymore, (i apologize to those i have let down..) 

I love you girls! Stay strong! It's summertime and you ALWAYS want to look your best! 


Friday, April 22, 2011

How are you!

So heyyy.... Sorry for the wait! My ABC diet is going along ever so well! I have lost almost 10 pounds and i am feeling so happy! I hope that all of you girls are doing AMAZINGLY! I know that you probably are. 

Finals are really stressing me out and that is why i haven't been able to update for so long, oh that and because i'm losing so much weight and not all fat at 125 my boyfriend told me he loves me! AH! Ha i haven't told him back, but i think i will soon! Everything is so happy, but also sad.

This weekend is EASTER! Today is actually Good Friday and Sunday is Easter! I am really really excited to go visit my family and to look cuuuuute on Easter Sunday. I am actually Mormon (Not a very good one, but Mormon nonetheless) and so i will attend church on Sunday and i am going to look hot with all my weight loss. I hope that those of you who do believe in God, or the Lord Jesus Christ that you will go to a church on Sunday and show your appreciation what he has done for our mistakes. 

Sorry to turn this post into a gospel message, i have just recently become a member of the LDS church and i really believe in the Prophet Thomas Monson who guides and keeps the church on the right path. I know that without our saviour Jesus Christ we would all live painful lives and when we died we would carry all the mistakes and sorrows we made for the rest of eternity. 

I hope that you are doing well. PLEASE don't give up your fasts or diets. I know that it gets tough sometimes, but the only thing better than eating is looking and feeling good! And food doesn't offer that to you, it makes you fat. No matter what you believe in I BELIEVE IN YOU. Thank you for all of your support, i know that you guys don't think you do anything for me but anybody who has emailed me or talked to me has made an impact on my life for the better. Thank you so much.


Friday, April 15, 2011

100 Cals

Today is my 100 cals day for ABC and i really just want to fast! I am so sick of eating food! But i know that if i just fast that my metabolism will go to the dogs and i will just absolutely crash and fail. I wanted to share a book with you that i just got into.. Recommended to me by a buddy, It's called "Wasted." it's an easy read, but is tons of inspiration if you are pro-ana and need the help! I really suggest you go pick up a copy or get it from your library or something.

So i have been super busy writing this paper, and i am tired of it. If any of you want to write a paper for money let me know! Ha ha ha. But really, i am so sick of school and i'm only barely passing my classes. I have this super boyfriend who isn't my boyfriend but we hangout all the time, and act like we're in a relationship. ANYWAYS, he is so stupid: he knows i'm like self conscious about my fat and he will like ALWAYS grab it when we are snuggling and stuff! It ticks me off! Like i always try to move and he'll laugh and then i'll slightly laugh. HE  THINKS IT'S FUNNY! But it makes me so self conscious! Ughghhg. Anyways, sorry about that random rant about nothing important, i just get angry over the smallest things. What do you guys have problems with?? When makes you angry! Haa..

So i know this is short, but i don't have much to say.. I really just want you guys to know that i am there for you! And if you need anything that you can always shoot me an email ( and i will try my best to get back to you pronto!

I love you guys, and hope that you never give up and know how strong you are even if you feel like you fail. There is no failure in life if you give it your all!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help for ALL!

I hope your Tuesdays turned out for the BEST! Today is a new day, and it doesn't matter what happened yesterday, all that matters is that you work hard TODAY! 

The reason i wanted to post this was to see if any of you fine people could help a friend of mine. Her email is and her name is Eli (pronounced Ellie.) I hope you guys realize how hard it is to keep on track, and to not have good ana buddies makes it even harder, i've recently had SO many emails to answer, and i have finals coming up, so answering on a regular basis is getting tricky for me. ANYWAYS! Please help her! I know you will!

Today is the third day of ABC for me! So i'm eating 300 calories total today! I already spent alot of them though because i had half of a bagel for breakfast... I AM ADDICTED TO BAGELS! Seriously, they are like my weak spot. They taste so good, but i know that it is never worth it! BUT I STILL EAT THEM! HELP! Ha but i should be fine. 

Yesterday i went out to LUNCH AND DINNER! My boyfriend really insisted. But luckily my calories yesterday were 500, so for lunch i had some grilled chicken in a salad, with ranch dressing ON THE SIDE-- and i made it look like i ate alot of dressing so that my bf wouldn't be even more suspicious (i've talked to him about being ana, but he thinks i'm over it.) Then for dinner i had a half quasadilla (or however the hell you spell it) on a white tortilla, with a bit of cheese (TERRIBLE FOR YOU), black beans, rice, lettuce, tomatos, and this spicy sauce. And i ate a half of my half quasadilla.. And i got crap from my bf about "only eating a fourth." And i was like back off man i ate alot!! ANYWAYS, then he insisted on making this weird fettucini alfredo homemade dish thing AT LIKE 10 AT NIGHT! I was pissed.. he made me try it but i just picked at it, ate maybe 3 noodles, and make it look like i had destroyed that thing! Ha ha sneaky us...

So you guys can really make things work! Just budget your lifestyle into your diet, and remember that you are strong, and even if you mess up some days (kinda like i did yesterday...kinda) you still have another day to be ten times better! KEEP THAT IN MIND. Anyways, if you need help or support email me at I really can help you, or find help for you! GOOD LUCK GALS!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Second Run

Hey people! So i apologize (like i always do...) for not writing for awhile! I really want to inspire you but i feel like i have nothing left to say! But guess what! So you know how i have been really struggling to get back on track, and I've sorta been eating for the past few weeks?? Well, I'M BACK IN ABC! I am totally going to really work hard this time too! No getting off track, because i wont be at home for vacation while i am running through it! I just decided to start on day two though because then i can keep it matching with the days of the week so that i wont forget what day i am on! So 500 calories today: i woke up late (around 11:30) ate a cup of honey nut cheerios (110 cals) and then went out to lunch on campus with my boyfriend around 2 and had a small salad, with ranch on the side. I cut small pieces of chicken and slightly dipped them into the ranch. All in all, i think it was less than 200 calories (only because the chicken was fried and TOTALLY unhealthy.) But he knows that i used to be anorexic, and so when i'm with him he FORCES me to eat... 

I want you guys to do ABC with me! And some of you may not even know what it is, but it was so successful the last run i had! So i can't wait to keep it up! If you just look up "Ana Boot Camp" on google you will find TONS of information about it! If you want to do it with me and me to help you stay on track then let me know! ( You guys will love it!

The real reason that i became so dedicated to this diet the second time around is because i have a photoshoot on Saturday. And i really look terrible, i want to shape up just a bit for the day, and then continually get better looking as the days follow! But i realized, without motivation, you will NOT get very far... So find something or some reason that you NEED to lose your fat! Even if you feel like you don't.... IT WILL TOTALLY WORK! I really know that you will succeed so much better! So find a reason and STICK TO IT! BE MOTIVATED! 

You guys are amazing, all of the girls that i have talked to have helped me so much, and i really appreciate the help you provide to me! Sorry this post is long, and sorry i never ever update. But i love you all. Even though i don't know really any of you, i know that you guys are a million times better and stronger than me. So KEEP IT UP!


Friday, April 8, 2011

IT'S FRIDAY! ....again....

I would like to thank a few of you girls that have contacted me asking for help. I really do enjoy helping others and i love when you guys come to me. I know that i've been really bad with this blog and i want to explain to you why:
I live in Utah and it's like snowing like CRAZZZZY! And my laptop just broke, and as a poor college student i don't want to buy a new one and as a lazy college student i never want to trudge (is that even a word??) through the snow to go and update this blog. So i do apologize. I still love you guys.

I really want you guys to remember that you can make it! I know i say this over and over and OVER AND OVER... but i know that if you let your will-power have more grasp over your life and decrease your want that you TOTALLY get the hang of things. Here are some things you can do that help me sometimes when i really just want to give up for good: (Some are COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS):

If there is nobody around or in your house, YELL at your food, tell if how mad you are at it. I know you will look like a mental patient, and i would love to watch someone else do it, but really, then you can remember that you are "the boss" and you have the choice to do whatever you want and that stupid food isn't really anything to you. 

If you just can't stop yourself from eating the food then eat a bit, and then spit it out. NOW LISTEN UP. PUT THE FOOD BACK IN YOUR MOUTH. You will hopefully lose your appetite for eating the rest. Yucky yucky yucky. 

Go put on your swimsuit and stand in front of your mirror and do jumping jacks until you shake. Then you will be more exhausted then hungry and you will take a nap. 

Chew Gum. It makes your stomach hungry but keeps your mouth occupied. 

These are all the tips i can think of off the top of my head, if you guys have any good ones feel free to post them! 

And always, You can email me 24/7 at (

LOVE YOU! ...really, i do! You ana's keep me running! 


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Never too Late

Helllo people! Soooo i know i am terrible at posting but i just feel like i run out of things to tell you guys, so if you have any questions at all of what to do or anything you need help with at all then PLEASE PUH-LEASE let me know! ( You guys are awesome and i know that whatever struggles you are going through right now, are minor things, and that you will be back on track and doing amazingly whenever you set your mind to really committing to it. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sorry for the wait!

Hey you guys! Sorry that it's been a few days since i've posted, i've just been having a really hard time getting myself back on track. I am ALOT better this week, but still not as good as i was before...

Yesterday i went to the doctors.. (again, i know...) i've just had a really bad cough and needed to make sure that it wasn't pnemonia or anything too serious. I'm fine. But when they weighed me i was SO happy! I was 123! And that was with heavy clothes on, i think i'm really about 121! Isn't that great!? I mean, two weeks ago i was 118... So i gained quite a bit, but since i was 118 i have been eating full meals, and TONS of calories.

I am SO motivated to get back into the groove of things. I am so happy! So i really want to help you guys! I really don't know if anybody reads this, because not too many people contact me but i hope that someone is benefiting from my posts. 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if you need help! I know that it can get really rough, and giving into food temptations can be really easy at times. If you ever need any help just email me ( i answer emails really quickly and can be of assistance in a snap. 

I hope you all are doing great, and i hope that you do not give into temptations of ANY kind! You are an AMAZING ana!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Formal Friday TWO

Heyy! How are your weeks going?? 
Today i am dressed up again for "Formal Friday" Even though it is really chilly outside, i love seeing my thin legs walking in my heels. I'm glad i've started to get back onto track. It feels amazing to be skinny and constantly losing weight.

I'm actually really worried about this weekend, i know that i want to be skinny, but last night i was getting all cuddly with my ex boyfriend and he was talking about getting back together again and such, and while i don't know what i am going to do about him, the subject of weight got brought up. And of course i stupidly said: "i wish i was skinnier" MISTAKE NUMBER ONE: NEVER SAY THAT TO PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU'RE ALREADY "THIN." Well he told me that i would look gross if i was any skinnier. SHOOT. I know that i want to be thinner, but i'm worried that he'll convince me to stop my progress! 

I want you guys to realize that despite what people tell you that you and i can both overcome what they say. We SHOULDN'T care what other people think. We are getting skinny for our own good, and no matter what people say, i want you to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU

Please don't listen to what friends or family say. (Unless you are like 5'8" and weigh like 70 pounds, in which case TOTALLY GET HELP... ha ha) But for those of us that just want the image of perfection, DO NOT GIVE IN

I've said it a million times by now, and i'm going to say it again, YOU ARE STRONG. Probably even stronger than me, so DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise, and know that you are amazebeans. 



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, First Day!

Hey guys! How has your week been going? Mine has since been terrible... Up until today.

Last night i went to Walmart and bought a box of cherrios because i only have V8's, a bag of saltines, and vitamins, in my cupboard. So i bought cherrios and decided that since i have been binging so much that i will use the cherrios to control my binges.

When i get hungry, like really feeling like i need to binge, i will eat a cup of cherrios, because that is only 100 calories, and they are pretty healthy for you. And if you eat them one at a time, they fill you up pretty easily. 

So far today i haven't eaten anything but like 3 sticks of gum. I haven't even taken my medication for my ADD either.. So i hope i can control this all day long.

I'm about to go out to lunch with my friend. I don't know if i've said this but we are required to buy a "seven meals a week" meal plan, so i already paid my $900 for the meals for the semester, so i hate just letting them go for waste. So i go out to lunch everyday and usually i just get a pasta dish and slowly eat like 5 or 6 noodles from it. Or i get a salad and put a little water on it (when nobody is looking) so that it looks like there is dressing on it! It's worked fairly well, but today is my first day being back on the anorexic train, so it will be hard to resist getting a quasadilla or chicken strips.

 Anyways, wish me luck, i wish you luck. I want you guys to email me ( and let me know how everything is going!! Please! Best of luck to you Ana's. 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So hey... I pretty much suck. 
Last Saturday i went out to dinner with my mom and dad at this great pizza place called Arella's, and i ate 4 slices of pizza! And an appetizer! And ever since then i have been eating fairly normally. Today i got up and ate some wheat thins and cereal, and for lunch i had a few bites of pasta.. Man i am doing terribly! I can feel myself getting fatter and fatter, but i can't stop eating. I want to try, and i am going to try to fast for the rest of the day.

Being anorexic takes so much energy to keep up! It's just so damn hard! I don't know what to do, and instead of giving you advice, like i've been trying to do, i am crying for help. I really need to stop eating, and nothing is working, it's like my self control level is so low! Ugh. I'm going to try and let you know how my fast goes. I think i am back up to 125.. And i am so sad to think that last week i was at 117-118! What a failure.

Good luck to you guys, PLEASE do NOT eat anything! You will just binge. I have a saying as my background on my phone:

"Food is Regret, Thin is Beauty"

Please remember this, and do not turn out fat like i have these past few days. Bleh.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 4 of ABC

Hey guys.... 

So guess what. My tonsils have  been huge the past few days, and i've been kinda achey. So i went to the instacare today, and after like 3 attempts to find my veins to give me an IV. (Freaking KILLED) They just decided to just take a blood sample and find out what i have. So i agreed and the elderly nurse took my blood, then GUESS WHAT.

I found out i have MONO! Oh my goodness i'm pissed. Because i never share drinks with anyone or anything... Although i do make out alot... But anyways,

This is good, but bad. Now my mom doesn't make me eat food (i'm only home until Sunday) but my throat hurts so bad. I think i'm going to end up fasting the next few days for the most part.

I know this post doesn't have many tips for you guys, but i just wanted to let you know where i am. And encourage you to keep on track! I know that you can all succeed. I weigh 119 today, i've lost nearly 10 pounds! YAY! This is so good! 

Best of you guys, i know that you can do it, and i know that you guys are stronger than me. I'm weak. And take Vyvanse. Ha ha, a cheater, i know.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3 of ABC

Hello again! Sorry i don't update this blog daily, i just get busy doing other things, like yesterday was binging... 

Yes. I said it. Binge. Soooo day 2 of ABC is supposed to be 500 calories, but like i've mentioned, i'm home with my family for Spring Break and so i have to eat little things in front of them so that they don't get suspicious. Well last night my mom made these DELICIOUS chili burgers for dinner, and although my family knows that i am vegetarian, they kept pushing for me to eat one. And do you know what?? I did. I ate half of one.

It tasted amazing, AT THE TIME. But looking back on it, yuck. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not worth the hurt i went through. Right after dinner i helped with the dishes and i went to my room, and it started to eat at me. I couldn't take it any longer and HAD TO PURGE. I went to my bathtub and tried so hard to purge but nothing would come, so i drank a few bottles of water, and all the lettuce i ate at dinner came up... Then i went upstairs and tried in my moms bathroom, and again, only lettuce came up. All in all, i was pissed. NONE OF THE MEAT WOULD COME UP! 

So today i am going to try to fast even though i am supposed to eat 300 calories today. I'll probably have to eat something with my family at dinner but DO NOT GET TEMPTED. I can't even describe to you how much it is not worth it...

If anything remember me, think about me jabbing my toothbrush and fingers down my throat. Think about puke. Another thing that may help is if you think of your food as puke. Imagine it all acidy and ground up. Think of the food as it comes up your throat. Do you want that? Do you want chunks of that food coming up your throat? Do you want gross breath, and eventually rotten teeth? Just from eating food? No. So don't do it. I know you can stay strong, and if you need help please email me ( I really can try to help you.



Monday, March 7, 2011

The First Monday of ABC

Hey Anas, how was your weekend? I hope it was starvingly great!

...Mine wasn't too grand.

I came home from the University until next sunday for Spring Break, but this last weekend i had to babysit my younger siblings while my parents were in Vegas. Oh man oh man was it hard. I feel like i binged so much. I mean i burned over a thousand calories by running, but everyday i ate around 500 cals. And i was getting so disappointed with myself.
Well when my mom and dad came home i decided to weigh myself and guess what! I weigh 122! I am so proud of myself!

So today i decided that it would be the first day of Anorexia Boot Camp. And i am fully dedicated to keeping on track. It worries me, because alot of the days you eat around 500 calories, and there aren't many fasting days, but i haven't really heard that bad of things about this diet so i can't wait to share with you my results!

If any of you have experience with this diet PLEASE let me know how you felt about it, and your stories. ( Seriously i'm pumped!

But i do have a tip or two for you people. I have a very good Ana Buddy and a few weeks ago she asked me how she could keep her energy level up because she seems so tired all the time. Well i realized that most of you guys are probably WAY more tired than me alot of the time. I actually have ADD and take a perscription called 'Vyvanse' in order to help me focus and do well in school, and it REALLY shoots me energy. BUT, i do have a really low dose, so i have become adjusted to it, and still need that extra burst from other sources, so here are some ideas that you can try.

-Take MULTIVITAMINS. (You can get them in pills, but i get mine from Costco, and they are gummy bears and they taste like fruit snacks. I take 2 different kinds, one is calcium and the other is a bunch of other essentials. They are only 30 for me to take the serving of 4 bears!!) Honestly, they will really boost your energy because you will be getting the nutrition that you need!
-DRINK A V8. They come in these little tiny bottles that are only 5.5 oz, and it is only 30 calories for the whole thing. And that is a full serving of vegetables! I know that you are supposed to get 5 servings in a day, but that's ridiculous, if you just drink one of these bottles in the morning you will be getting more nutients, and you will be happier and full of more energy!
-SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. I cannot stress this enough. Fat people need AT LEAST 8 hours a night, and that is for people that pig out all day! Us anas' need a bit more than that because we have self control and don't need to stuff our faces all day long.
-DRINK GREEN TEA. All day long. If you don't like the taste, put in an artificial sweetener. (ONLY IF YOU CAN CONTROL CRAVINGS, it is proven that artificial sweeteners make you crave things more, so be very careful using them...) But green tea will clean out your system AND keep you awake and in action!

This is just a short list, if i think of anymore i will remember to let you guys know, or if you guys have something that gives you amazing energy, PLEASE let me know!

I hope your day is great, and i hope to keep you posted on my ABC diet! WOOHOO!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Formal Friday

Hey Anas! Today is FRIDAY! And where i am it is also the first day of SPRING BREAK! ...Tooooo bad there is snow all over the place....

So i have a tip or two, as always. Last night i went to my friends house and we ended up taking some shots and drinking a bit, well OH MY GOSH. I had never really drank any alcohol when i was on a fast before. WOW. I only took one shot and a half of vodka (ew, but only 60 cals in one shot) and dannnnnnng i can tell you that if you ever do that you will get so drunk off of only one shot, it was crazy. But yes, i have mixed feelings about it right now, because i'm still a little drunk or hungover from it, and my stomach hurts so bad. You aren't supposed to drink on an empty stomach. 
I wouldn't advise you to do it, but i wouldn't advise against it. I think it speeds up your metabolism a bit, because i already feel skinner, (and look it!!) 

So do what you want, (IF YOU ARE 18!! DO NOT DRINK BEFORE THAT AGE) but remember this, alcohol has tons of calories in it. So if you are planning on going out drinking, make sure they have Smirnoff Vodka, it really is low in cals. And DO NOT EVER drink beer. You fatten right up, yup, just like a pig.

My next tip is to get the app i have on my iphone. If you have an ipod touch or iphone there is an app called "Lose It" and it is free, it has helped me so much, like it keeps track of everything you eat, calories and all! I would STRONGLY recommend getting it. It really makes everything so much easier.

And my last tip for the day is FUN! I do this thing called "Formal Friday" and basically i just dress up in dresses and skirts and stuff... It really is fun to do because it's at the end of a long week of determination, and on Fridays i feel like i can dress up and show off my progress for that week. (Don't do this is you don't want people to see that you are losing weight, obviously.) But i makes me feel like and like i have accomplished something. I mean, granted, my normal outfits consist of oversized sweaters/sweatshirts, jeans/leggings, and Uggs. And i really don't do my hair because it's naturally okay looking. BUT it really is fun, i want you to try it next Friday! Dress up and see how you like it-- You OWN that progress Ana! Woo!

Sorry to go on about this stuff if none of it applies to you today, i just want to help you all get to your goals! I know you are all amazing! (: (:


Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Thursday....

So i don't know about you people, but i absolutely hate Thursdays. They are always super long and boring. And to top it all off, where i live it is raining. AND there is snow on the ground. Both of which i hate. 

Anyways, so i apologize for not keeping up to date the past few days, i wasn't sure that anybody read this until someone emailed me thanking me for starting a blog dedicated to helping us all reach our goals. 

I started a five day fast on Monday, but then i went out to eat on my campus yesterday and TOTALLY binged. Let me just list off to you what i ate, you will be horrified:

-A turkey sandwhich on a roll.
-Half a plate of white rice.
-A huge serving of chinese chicken.
-A bag of Lays Baked Original chips.
-A diet coke.
-And this coconut bar with chocolate chips and a graham cracker crust.

Is that not TOTALLY disgusting? I weighed 123 before dinner and 125 after. It is so hard for me to lose weight and i get so discouraged with myself when i don't. 

Anyways, i have a few tips for you to get through the day today (and possibly tomorrow, if i don't post..)

1. DO NOT be like me. DO NOT BINGE. I know it might sound good, but promise me that you will NOT do it. Just for me? Kk? 

2. If you have made an accomplishment (like i did with my 123) then GO AND REWARD YOURSELF. Find the healthiest vegetable you like and eat a little bit more than you would! Or go drink a diet soda, anything that you don't normally have, but also that wont raise your calorie intake. A serving of saltines, isn't going to kill you. You have to reward yourself every so often when you reach a new goal, otherwise you wont feel AS determined. Trust me, it helps.

3. Last tip for today is to FIND SOMEONE WHO NEEDS HELP. Maybe you don't need an ana buddy to keep yourself motivated, but SOMEONE out there DOES. They are crying for your help because they cannot do this all on their own. Just find someone and reach out. 

If you need help, my email is:
and i am always willing to help, that's why i have this blog...
I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN FOOD. It is really nothing but carbs, calories, and fat. So go and do your best. And let me know how you are doing! 

Good luck! Stay small, stay strong.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Today is a NEW day!

Okay Anas. Today is Monday, and not only is it the first day of my blog being used really, it is the beginning of a new week, and tomorrow will be the beginning of a new MONTH!

I hope you realize how easy it is to be the judge of your own actions. You determine whether you do alot of things, most importantly if you eat or not.

It would be easy to go to the kitchen right now and pick up something to eat and just gobble it down. But that would mean that you are weak. That would mean that you have no control over who you are. That would show yourself that you can't succeed at anything. And most importantly: that would make you fat. That would add just a little bit to your fat spot. That would make you ugly.

So i invite you to realize how much power you have. You can do anything you want! So go do it! Go drink that glass of water. Go run that extra mile. Go pass that test. You have the power.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hello Ana's!

Hey there! This is a brand new blog that i am creating to help me, AND YOU stay on track of our goals!

Recently i have just become Anorexic and i have really had a hard time keeping my "eyes on the prize." I really really really do want to be tiny, but i really really really also LOVE food so much.

About a month ago i realized that i am WAY too fat for my own good. I used to think of myself as skinny and small but when i had to quit dance due to an injury, i lost myself.

Currently i am 19. I am 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I weigh around 125 (it changes daily by a few pounds) and i do not look like this! I have started this blog and hopefully i can keep it updated and help those of you hating your bodys on the same track as me.

Please follow this blog and email me at:

I want to start a network with lots of people helping each other. I know that you can be whoever you want! So lets help each other get there!
