I hope your Tuesdays turned out for the BEST! Today is a new day, and it doesn't matter what happened yesterday, all that matters is that you work hard TODAY!
The reason i wanted to post this was to see if any of you fine people could help a friend of mine. Her email is perfecteli@gamil.com and her name is Eli (pronounced Ellie.) I hope you guys realize how hard it is to keep on track, and to not have good ana buddies makes it even harder, i've recently had SO many emails to answer, and i have finals coming up, so answering on a regular basis is getting tricky for me. ANYWAYS! Please help her! I know you will!
Today is the third day of ABC for me! So i'm eating 300 calories total today! I already spent alot of them though because i had half of a bagel for breakfast... I AM ADDICTED TO BAGELS! Seriously, they are like my weak spot. They taste so good, but i know that it is never worth it! BUT I STILL EAT THEM! HELP! Ha but i should be fine.
Yesterday i went out to LUNCH AND DINNER! My boyfriend really insisted. But luckily my calories yesterday were 500, so for lunch i had some grilled chicken in a salad, with ranch dressing ON THE SIDE-- and i made it look like i ate alot of dressing so that my bf wouldn't be even more suspicious (i've talked to him about being ana, but he thinks i'm over it.) Then for dinner i had a half quasadilla (or however the hell you spell it) on a white tortilla, with a bit of cheese (TERRIBLE FOR YOU), black beans, rice, lettuce, tomatos, and this spicy sauce. And i ate a half of my half quasadilla.. And i got crap from my bf about "only eating a fourth." And i was like back off man i ate alot!! ANYWAYS, then he insisted on making this weird fettucini alfredo homemade dish thing AT LIKE 10 AT NIGHT! I was pissed.. he made me try it but i just picked at it, ate maybe 3 noodles, and make it look like i had destroyed that thing! Ha ha sneaky us...
So you guys can really make things work! Just budget your lifestyle into your diet, and remember that you are strong, and even if you mess up some days (kinda like i did yesterday...kinda) you still have another day to be ten times better! KEEP THAT IN MIND. Anyways, if you need help or support email me at simplyana123@gmail.com I really can help you, or find help for you! GOOD LUCK GALS!