Hey guys i am not very good with this blog anymore and i totally apologize but i don't think i am going to get any better, however, it IS a goal of mine to try to more constantly update it!
Today i wanted to tell you about something new that i have just started doing. And as you can guess by the title: that is LAXATIVES! I have been slacking off alot lately and eating alot of food since i moved back home with the fam. So it is super easy, right before i eat i just take 2 laxatives and bam within like 2 hours i am... uh... *ehm* all the waste inside me is being disposed! I LOVE IT. You guys should really all try it. At first it was not fun for me though, like i will warn you i got some of THE WORST cramps EVER. But i really got used to it and now they dont come anymore.
If you have any feedback or anything you want me to mention in my blog email me at simplyana123@gmail.com i will help you out with anything, although i'm not super great at replying to ana buddies much anymore, (i apologize to those i have let down..)
I love you girls! Stay strong! It's summertime and you ALWAYS want to look your best!