Monday, January 2, 2012

empty stomach

If you aren't sleeping on an empty stomach, then you aren't doing something right!
Don't wake up with regret of what happened yesterday.
And tomorrow is a new day, don't ruin it.


So hi! I'm so excited!
I'm getting back on track!
Today all i have eaten is a roll, a bowl of cooked peas & carrots & well i caved, and i ate a small bowl of funeral potatoes.
...You don't need to know what they are, they are just really really delicious....
And so i'm regretting that.. But i think i will do better tomorrow!

Thanks for everybody's support.
I know that i can get down to 110 or 105. I'm currently at 115. So it shouldn't be too hard! Right?

Happy New Years! I hope everybody has recommited to their diets & such! This can be the year you are can be gorgeous.. or it can be the year you fail. Again.
You choose.